When finances are tight, bills can be hard to pay. We all know that if we do not pay our bills, they will show up on our credit report and it will definitely affect our ability to borrow money in the future. However, what happens if you have a healthcare bill and your debt is sent to a third-party collection agency like Capio Partners? Well, in this article, we will discuss what Capio Partners is and other information related to Capio Partners.
What is Capio Partners?
Capio Partners is a third-party debt collection agency headquartered in Sherman, Texas. The agency also has an office in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Capio Partners specializes in collecting medical and healthcare debt. They have the task of collecting overdue debts from people across the United States. It is known that Capio Partners began operations in 2008. If you think you have medical bills, then creditors can sell your debt to Capio Partners agents. It means that Capio Partners has the right to collect your medical debt. Please note that Capio Partners’ main goal is to work with you to find a solution that will be acceptable to you and Capio Partners’ clients.
Of course, you do not want to have medical debt weighing you down. However, sometimes, your finances are in a slump, and your income is only enough to cover the basic needs of you and your family. However, medical bills are inevitable. If you receive a notice about your medical debt, you can work with Capio Partners to make a plan and get a solution that works for you. As we know that Capio Partners works with consumers in finding solutions to their debts. No one wants to experience a medical crisis, and Capio Partners understands that. And, you also may not realize that you have unpaid medical bills.
Many consumers called Capio Partners and said that they had received a collection letter in the mail informing them of an overdue and unpaid medical debt. Some consumers are confused and angry because they did not know about the medical debt. The billing letter certainly frustrated the recipient. Well, this is where Capio Partners comes in. Capio Partners will help you to manage your debt properly. Sometimes, healthcare providers like hospitals and clinics hand over their overdue patient accounts to other organizations to collect their medical debts. Well, some patients think that their insurance will be able to cover the amount of the medical bills. Capio Partners will decipher your medical bills and explain why you received the collection letter.
Why is Capio Partners Contacting Me?
When you have an overdue medical debt such as a hospital or ambulance bill, then a third-party collection agency like Capio Partners will contact you to try to collect your medical bill. When you are contacted by Capio Partners, stay calm and do not try to run away from your debt. As we have said, Capio Partners’ primary mission is to work with you to provide a solution that is acceptable to both you and Capio Partners’ clients. Most likely, Capio Partners will buy your debt from the healthcare provider, such as the hospital or clinic where the medical bills were generated. That is the reason why you are contacted by a third party like Capio Partners, rather than the hospital or clinic you first visited for treatment or hospitalization.
Usually, the healthcare provider contacts you several times to ask you to pay your medical bills. However, after some time, the healthcare provider usually sells its collection account to a third party like Capio Partners. Well, at that point, this third-party debt collection agency takes over the effort of getting you to pay your overdue medical debt.
Is Capio Partners Legitimate?
Now you might be wondering whether Capio Partners is legitimate or not. For your information, Capio Partners is a legitimate third-party debt collection agency. So, you don’t have to worry when you are contacted by the debt collection agency. They will do their job properly and devise a solution that is acceptable to both you and Capio Partners’ clients. We have been informed that many healthcare providers, such as hospitals or clinics sell their collection accounts to Capio Partners. Both healthcare providers and people who have overdue medical bills get satisfied services and solutions from Capio Partners. Therefore, Capio Partners is trusted by healthcare providers to buy medical debt collection accounts and take over to collect debts from individuals with medical bills.
However, even though Capio Partners is a legitimate third-party debt collection agency, some consumers have filed complaints against them. It is reported that Capio Partners is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB). For your information, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) is a non-profit organization that provides assistance to people in finding trustworthy businesses and resolving consumer complaints. Although Capio Partners is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the Better Business Bureau (BBB) does rate Capio Partners. Currently, third-party debt collection agency Capio Partners has a “B” rating. And, Capio Partners’ consumer review rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) is 1.16/5 stars. Apparently, there are almost 500 consumers who have filed complaints against Capio Partners. In addition, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has also handled more than 1,200 consumer complaints regarding Capio Partners.
Some consumers claim that:
- Capio Partners contacted them about a medical debt they did not have.
- Capio Partners did not provide clear information including the original debt contract and account information for consumers to validate their own medical debt.
- Capio Partners did not provide consumers with legally required debt dispute information.
If you look at some of the complaints claimed by some consumers, they can be said to be general violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). For information, the FDCPA is a federal law that prohibits third-party debt collectors from harassing or defrauding consumers. Also, this law requires debt collection agencies to provide detailed information including the original debt contract and account information for consumers so as to provide timely debt validation notices. Thus, consumers’ rights will feel protected by Capio Partners.
Warning: These are just a few complaints from a small number of Capio Partners consumers, so they do not represent the entire consumer experience. If you have been involved with Capio Partners collecting your medical debt, how was your experience with Capio Partners?
Do I Have to Pay Capio Partners?
It depends on whether or not you actually have an overdue medical bill. To know whether the debt is legitimate or not, you must ensure that you have received a debt validation notice from Capio Partners. Usually, this validation letter includes information about your original debt account and the healthcare provider where your medical debt bill was created. In addition, the letter also states the amount of your debt. If you have not received a debt validation letter from Capio Partners, or you want to get more information about the debt account, then you can send a verification letter to Capio Partners for clarity. That way, you can be sure that you do have to pay your medical bills that were collected by Capio Partners. That means, Capio Partners has purchased your medical bills from the healthcare provider where the medical debt was created.
Again, Capio Partners is a legitimate agency. However, you should still be cautious as scammers may use the name Capio Partners to try to get money from you. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from fraud, you must know and learn what are the characteristics of debt collection scams. If you are contacted by someone claiming to be a debt collector, do not provide any information before you ask them to validate the debt. If the person contacting you is a legitimate debt collector, they will provide you with details about your debt account. On the other hand, if the person is unable to provide details about the debt account and does not validate the debt, let alone ask for information about your bank account or Social Security number, it is certain that the person is trying to scam you.