The “addressee” column on a visitation form should be filled out correctly so that the form can be well-received. However, as someone who has to fill out the form, you may be confused about who is exactly the addressee that you have to write on this section. Fortunately, you are here where you will be guided about such a thing.
Overview of Visitation Form
A visitation form is a very important document that is used in a number of different contexts, including hospital or healthcare visitations, immigration or detention center visitations, child custody arrangements, and inmate visitations in correctional facilities. This kind of form has to be completed and sent to the addressee to get approval for a visitation. If the addressee approves it, then the visitor can make a visit. In contrast, if it is rejected by the addressee, then there will be no visit. In some cases, visitation forms can also serve as a prior notice of a visit before the actual visit.
Definition of the Addressee
The word “addressee” is defined differently by some dictionaries, as follows:
- Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries: Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries defines the word “addressee” as a person that a letter, etc. is addressed to.
- Cambridge Dictionary: “Addressee” is described by Cambridge Dictionary as a person whose name or address is written on a letter or package.
- Merriam Webster Dictionary: According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, an addressee is the one to whom something is addressed.
- Collin Dictionary: There are a lot of definitions of addressee found on the official website of Collins Dictionary, including the person or company that it is addressed to; the person to whom mail, etc. is addressed; the person, company, or the like to whom a piece of mail is addressed; a person or organization to whom a letter, parcel, etc, is addressed; and a person who is addressed in conversation, a speech, a poem, etc.
- The Britannica Dictionary: The Britannica Dictionary refers to “addressee” as the person to whom mail is addressed.
- says that the addressee is the person, company, or the like to whom a piece of mail is addressed.
The Addressee on a Visitation Form
For anyone who is wondering about the addressee on a visitation form, in general, it refers to the individual or entity to whom the form is directed or intended. However, the specific meaning of “addressee” may vary, depending on the type of visitation form. Check out the details below:
Healthcare or hospital visitation forms
A visitation form can be used to manage and document when visiting a patient who is currently in a hospital or other healthcare setting. In this case, the addressee could refer to the administration or certain ward or to the patient, letting them know that the visitor would visit them.
Immigration or detention center visitation forms
A visitation form may be needed to visit someone who is detained in an immigration center. In this case, the addressee would be the facility that manages and processes visitation requests, immigration officers or authorities.
Child custody visitation forms
In child custody cases, visitation form is usually used to set a schedule between parents or guardians. In this case, the term “addressee” could refer to one of the parents who has responsibility to facilitate or manage the visitation. Besides, it also could refer to the court or a family services agency that is responsible for overseeing or approving the visitation schedule.
Inmate visitation forms
In correctional facilities, every visitor who wants to visit an inmate has to complete a visitation form. In this case, the addressee is usually the institution or correctional facility where the inmate is housed. In rare cases, it can also be the inmate for approval or awareness of the visitation request.
Submitting a Visitation Form
As stated before, there are several types of visitation forms. It means, there are several ways to submit them. In this opportunity, you will be guided to submit a prison visitation form. This guide is given by the Tennessee Department of Correction, so those whose loved one is incarcerated in one of the correctional facilities in Tennessee can follow the guide. As for those whose inmate is located in a facility in another state, you can still read it as it is usually the same or similar.
If you are an adult, you can submit a visitation form by following the following instructions:
- First of all, you should determine if you are eligible to make a visit. If you are an immediate family member, there will be no issue for you as you will be approved right away. If you are not an immediate family member, you may still be able to be approved if there is still a post in the list of eight additional visitors. If you are under 18 years old, you will have to be accompanied by an approved visitor who is either your parent or legal guardian, except if you are married to the inmate. If you are a current or former employee of TDOC, TRICOR, contact agency, intern or practicum student, it is only possible for you to be approved if you are an immediate family member. If you are a volunteer of TDOC, you may not be able to make a visit. If you are a victim of the inmate who is convicted of a sex offense, there is no way for you to be approved. Another type of person who will not be able to visit the inmate is the one who could have a harmful influence on the inmate and or become a threat to security of the prison.
- Then, get a visitation form. This kind of form is able to be found on the official website of the Tennessee State Government, in the Tennessee Department of Correction part to be exact. Aside from that, you can also ask your inmate to send you a form.
- Now, complete the visitation form well.
- Once you have completed it, it is time for you to submit it.
- Afterward, address the envelope to Associate Warden of Security (Deputy Superintendent at MLTC). Do not forget to also include the name and address of the prison.
- Make sure to include a current photo and not the copy version.
- After sending the envelope, you can just wait for it to proceed.
If you are a minor, the steps to follow to submit a visitation form is the same, except you will have to complete additional forms for the protection of children. These forms include:
- A notarized permission
- Consent for the child to be searched
- A copy of the child certificate
- Additional updated photos
Bottom Line
In conclusion, the term “addressee” on a visitation form refers to an individual or institution to whom the form is sent for approval or acknowledgment. This one varies, depending on the type of visitation. It is important for the visitor to understand about the addressee to ensure that the visitation form is correctly processed and that they can get an approval to make a visit.